
Association for Talent Development

Formerly ASTD

3 Big Ideas for Producing Engaging Virtual Training

Monday, April 26, 2021 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Host: Association for Talent Development
By: Kassy LaBorie, Principal Consultant, Kassy LaBorie Consulting, LLC

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Delivering engaging virtual classroom learners, meeting participants, and webinar attendees is a challenge. In addition, virtual trainers must also master the technical side of the experience often referred to a virtual production. Commanding the technical aspects of virtual delivery is critical to online participant engagement. The art of virtual production combines a unique skill set that balances deep platform knowledge with multitasking agility, while at the same time calming everyone down before the panic can be heard through the mute!

Kassy LaBorie, author of Producing Virtual Training, Meetings, and Webinars: Master the Technology to Engage Participants, shares insights from her recent book on the role a producer plays in making virtual training run successfully. So, what’s the big idea with using a producer?

Join us to learn the following three big ideas to help you make the most out of your virtual training experiences:

• First, what is virtual production? We’ll define virtual training production and how it differs from what a trainer does.
• Second, what are we using? Identify the type of platform used in your virtual training and how it impacts your design and delivery strategies.
• And third, who would be best? Clearly outlining the skill set and required tasks will help ensure you choose the most effective person to be your producer!

Please click here to access today’s handout: 3 Big Ideas for Producing Engaging Virtual Training 


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Kassy LaBorie
Kassy LaBorie

Principal Consultant, Kassy LaBorie Consulting, LLC

Kassy LaBorie is the principal consultant at Kassy LaBorie Consulting, LLC. She is a speaker, instructional designer, classroom facilitator, and author who specializes in virtual learning, teams, and live online technology. Kassy is passionate about helping organizations, learning teams, and training professionals successfully move to the virtual environment.

In her previous role at Dale Carnegie Training, she was the director of virtual training services, a consultancy that partners with organizations to help them develop successful online training strategies. Kassy also served as the product design architect responsible for developing the company’s live online training product and experience. Prior to this, she was an independent master virtual trainer, a Microsoft software trainer, and a senior trainer at WebEx, where she helped build and deliver training at the WebEx University.

Kassy is the co-author of Interact and Engage! 50+ Activities for Virtual Training, Meetings, and Webinars. A frequent speaker at industry conferences since 2006, she has presented at Training Magazine events including their yearly conference and Online Learning Conferences, Chief Learning Officer symposiums, The Virtual Learning Show, ATD’s TechKnowledge and International Conference & Exposition, as well as many local ATD Chapter events.

Find Kassy sharing tips on Twitter @KassyConsulting
Learn more at her website KassyConsulting.com
Connect with her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kassylaborie/

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