Material is fed onto the top tray. After one revolution the material is wiped onto the next lower tray where it is mixed, leveled, and then after one revolution, is wiped to the next tray where the operation is repeated. The trays are contained in an enclosure in which heated air or gas is circulated by internal fans.
The Komline-Sanderson Biosolids Drying System uses indirect drying technology to convert municipal and industrial biological sludge into a sterile, free flowing granular product. The dried biosolids can be beneficially reused as a slow release nitrogen fertilizer, soil amendment additive or as a green fuel in a boiler and cement kiln. The K-S Biosolids Drying System produces an EPA classified Class A Biosolids.
The Komline-Sanderson Kompress Belt Filter is a broadly applicable product for dewatering municipal Biosolids and industrial sludges.
Gravabelt Gravity Belt Thickeners reduce sludge volume of biosolids and waste activated sludge and produce a pumpable concentrate for dewatering, treatment, or transport. The K-S Gravabelt uses only gravity and a porous drainage belt along with our Roto-Kone High Rate Drainage system to enhance thickening performance at a reduced operating cost.
K-S Plunger Pumps are engineered for heavy duty service in difficult sludge, slurry, float transfer, or metering applications. It is a self-priming positive displacement pump that can pass solid objects up to 1-5/8" in diameter, rags, or entrained air. Our pumps have capacities to 34 liters per second (540 gpm) at heads to 90 meters (300 feet). K-S has pump installations that are over 40 years old!
The K-S Paddle Dryer is used worldwide for drying a variety of sludges and by-products, generating dry stable products reducing disposal cost and converting waste into marketable by-products. Drying also allows some wastes to be used as fuel.
The Komline-Sanderson Paddle Dryer / Processor are highly efficient, mechanically agitated, indirect heat transfer devices that add or remove heat from a process mass. They are used for drying, heating, cooling, pasteurization, crystallizing, and reacting of pastes, cakes, powders, and granules.
Komline-Sanderson continuous rotary drum vacuum filters offer great flexibility in meeting the needs of producers of many products requiring the separation of liquids from solids. Our experience ranges from simple separations to complex multi-stage applications involving filtration, clarification, extraction, cake washing, and drying.
The K-S CIX Horizontal Vacuum Filter is a top fed filter that can perform filtration, extraction, and drying in one machine. Slurry is fed continuously and forms a filter cake, which can then be washed as it is progressively indexed through discrete zones. Ideal for applications requiring counter current washing and precise separations.
Komline-Sanderson's rotary atomizers are used in:
Komline-Sanderson Dissolved Air Flotation Clarifier is suited for wastewater streams containing solids, oils, and greases, which are difficult to settle or have a tendency to float. With proper chemical conditioning we remove colloidal and emulsified materials. Complete pretreatment systems can be supplied.