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Vernadine Merrick

Vernadine Merrick

Water Vertical Marketing Manager for Sensus North America
 United States
Timezone: America/New_York

Vernadine Merrick is the Water Vertical Marketing Manager for Sensus North America at Xylem, focused on developing growth strategies through market intelligence, VOC, sales enablement, and industry relationship building. Vernadine has 20+ years of experience in industrial automation and control systems and equipment for a variety of industries, including Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Mining and Municipal Water. Marketing & Sales roles include strategy, market planning & analysis, global product management, market management, sales, and sales training. Vernadine has previously worked for ABB, Flowserve, and Siemens. She holds a chemical engineering degree with an MBA.  

Date & Time (EDT) Title Role
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Going Beyond AMI – The City of Houston’s Holistic Approach to Building a Smart Water Network Presenter


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