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Nicole Pasch

Nicole Pasch

Client Solutions Manager
South Bend Indiana
Timezone: America/New_York

Nicole Pasch is a Client Solutions Manager for Xylem Inc. where she works in the Great Lakes region to find digital solutions to the most pressing of utility challenges. Nicole previously worked for the City of Grand Rapids, MI for the past 14 years and served last in the role of Acting Assistant Environmental Services Manager over the areas of wastewater, stormwater, air quality, energy, lighting, and communications. Nicole’s work inside the utility was focused on driving an integrated, advanced, and innovative utility, by utilizing real-time digital solutions to advance the way the utility worked today and into the future, under the vision that a connected utility builds a connected community. Nicole holds an MBA from Cornerstone University and a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Biology and Zoology from Michigan State University.  

Date & Time (EST) Title Role
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
12:00pm - 12:45pm
How Utilities Optimize Wastewater Networks with Digital Water Management Technology Presenter
